Policies & Procedures

Health and Safety Act

In order to be eligible to begin the Field Experience, the Teacher Candidate must complete Health and Safety training as required by the Ontario Ministry of Labour and specific to each board. 

All Teacher Candidates are advised to keep a copy of their completed certification

Harassment and Discrimination

Ontario Tech University policies

The University recognizes the dignity and worth of every member of the university community and provides for equal rights and opportunities, free of discrimination and harassment, in the understanding that academic excellence can only be achieved when all members of the community are free to work, teach, and learn in an environment which does not exclude or discriminate against them. Ontario Tech University’s Respectful Campus Policy established that harassment and discrimination are never acceptable and will not be tolerated.

This Policy applies to academic staff, non-academic staff, students, members of the Board of Governors, members of standing and ad hoc committees established by the university, members of societies and associations which have a direct relationship, or are under the authority of, the university, whether they are on campus, off campus, at university-related social functions, on employment or academic assignments or placements, during work- or study- related travel, or in electronic or telephone communication. It also applies to contractors providing services to the university or undertaking research on campus, and to visitors and guests who have no ongoing connection to the institution, but are on the university campus. 

Where a student brings a complaint against another student that involves harassment or discrimination, the Policy on Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures in Non-Academic Matters shall apply. This policy defines and guides standards of student behaviour at the university to uphold these values and ensure that behaviour contrary to these standards are dealt with in a manner that is fair, open and effective.

School board policies

The Harassment and Discrimination Policy of the school board with which candidates are placed also applies. If Teacher Candidates and Associate Teachers have any concerns of this nature, they should contact the Human Resources Department for Ontario Tech.

Ontario Federation of Teachers (OTF) guidelines

Please review the Ontario Federation of Teachers’ Guidelines Regarding Harassment Complaints that Arise during Practicum Placements.

“A member shall strive at all times to achieve and maintain the highest degree of professional competence and to uphold the honour, dignity, and ethical standards of the teaching profession.

- Regulation made under the Teaching Profession Act

Workplace Safety and Insurance

Ontario Tech University (The University of Ontario Institute of Technology) is committed to ensuring compliance with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) Guidelines for Workplace Insurance for Postsecondary Students of Publicly Assisted Institutions on Unpaid Work Placements. For more information refer to the FAQs provided by Ontario Tech Risk Management

Accident Reports

If the Teacher Candidate is involved in an incident where students, staff members or Teacher Candidates themselves are injured, Associate Teachers and Principals are responsible for reporting these cases to the appropriate school official in accordance with the policy of the School Board.

The Teacher Candidate must notify the Foundations Instructor immediately and prepare an Accident/Incident Report Form available from the Ontario Tech University Human Resources Department.

Ontario Tech University Academic Calendar

For official information related to BEd courses, academic regulations, privacy, and scheduling, please see the Ontario Tech Academic Calendar.

Professional Advisories