Associate Teachers
Teacher Candidate Evaluations

Considerations for Evaluating the Field Experience Placement

📝 Evaluating the Teacher Candidate

1. Providing Feedback (Formative)

Your feedback is key to the learning and growth of the Teacher Candidate who benefit greatly when they receive realistic and constructive feedback on a regular basis. 

2. Practicum Interim Report (Formative)

Complete the Practicum Interim Report at the end of Block Week Two

3. Field Experience Final Report (Summative)

Complete the Final Report at the end of the Field Experience. Final Evaluation reports are official documents and will be used by Teacher Candidates when they are applying for teaching positions

4. If the Teacher Candidate is Experiencing Difficulty

❗ Teacher Candidate Removal from the Field Experience Placement: 

The Teacher Candidate may immediately be withdrawn from the Field Experience Placement for reasons including (but not limited to): 

When the Teacher Candidate is withdrawn from a Field Experience placement, the Practicum Specialist will meet with the Associate Teacher and other school and University personnel as necessary. The Practicum Placement Review Committee will determine whether the withdrawal will result in failure for that placement.