Look Into the Past

Hunter and Phoebe found Noopa! Noopa is an Inquisitive, with an eye for OER knowledge and love for hidden technology secrets. She says:

Take this item. It will help you on your quest!

OER Day may look a little different this year. With these resources from years past, you can take a look at all things OER Day at Ontario Tech.

#OpenEd 21 Presentations

Wise sages of OER from Ontario Tech were invited to present at #OpenEd21, a conference that brings together international open education researchers, advocates, and enthusiasts.

OER Day 2019 Presentations

View or download the presentations from OER Day 2019. Please remember to follow the individual licenses on these documents.


The Open Experience

Presenter (Downtown Campus): Tess Pierce, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Open Education Presentation.pdf

Use of OER and Open Pedagogy

Presenter (North Campus): Roland Van Oostveen, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education


Democratization in the Classroom

Presenter (Downtown Campus): Will Thurber, Associate Teaching Professor, Faculty of Business and Information Technology


Can I Put This In My Textbook?

Presenter (North Campus): Kate Gibbings, Engineering & Applied Science Librarian

Presenter (Downtown Campus): Fiona Munroe, Business & Online Learning Librarian

Pressbooks Workshop

Getting Started With Pressbooks

Workshop Facilitator (North Campus): Sarah Stokes, Learning Facilitator, Office of Learning Innovation