The Imposing Castle

Hunter and Phoebe found Shreya and Pranjal! Shreya and Pranjal are two OER Knights who are dedicated to serving those on the Quest for Open.

They say:

Take these items. They will help you on your quest!

Ontario Tech is proud to host the Open Education (OE) Lab - a student-run, staff-managed group that brings content and technological expertise to the timely creation of high quality OER that will be used directly in an Ontario Tech course by Ontario Tech students.

Students working with us gain valuable project management, content development (e.g., writing, editing, media creation) and communication skills which can be implemented in their coursework and on the job. OE Lab jobs are paid positions generously supported through the Ontario University Works program.

Student Advocacy

Post-secondary education is an expensive endeavour: tuition, housing, transportation and other costs can leave many students struggling to make ends meet; having to purchase textbooks (and associated software) on top of this, many with price tags of $150 or more, puts many in a very difficult position. Too often students are forced to delay purchasing these materials, or simply go without them altogether. No student should have to suffer academically due to financial hardship. That's why the student voice is so important to the OER movement at Ontario Tech. Listen to the stories of some of our OE Lab students, then learn about how you can add your voice!

Noopa Video.mp4

Join the Movement!

Work with the OE Lab

Interested in working with us, either as a student or a faculty member? Sign up here and we'll be in touch.

The OER Stewards is a group where you can find meaningful involvement in the OER Movement. Sign up and we will link you to the group!

Impact Report

Read about how the OE Lab has impacted Ontario Tech University.