Creating Games for Learning

1.4) Games Conditionals & Variables to Keep Score- Scratch

Games, Conditionals and Variables to Keep Score - Scratch

1) Starter Games

Starter Games - Maze, Pong, Scrolling

Google Slides with Links

Students work on a self-directed game projects to apply various computational concepts (e.g., conditionals, operators, etc.).

2) Score


Google Slides with Links

Game based activity for students to develop greater understanding of variables, data and the 'remixing' function on Scratch.

3) Extensions


Google Slides with Links

Through these extension activities, students will explore common game mechanics and will further their understanding of conditionals, operators, and data.

4) Interactions


Google Slides with Links

Through these programming puzzle activities, students can strengthen their understanding of coding concepts such as conditionals, operators and data while exercising their debugging skills.

Other Game Creation Environments

MakeCode Arcade- more prescriptive than the Scratch materials for game development, there are tutorials demonstrating how to many classic games. Ideally, students will start with the provided code and then modify it to create new takes on the classics.

Research on Learning through Creating Games

Revisit in September for links to research and teacher-friendly articles on learning while creating games