Explore best practices for using products purchased through Model Schools. Get hands-on experience, turn-key resources and answers to questions relevant to your school.
These trainings will be held in-person at the ISSC or over Zoom and are offered to any staff using these instructional technology tools within your school. Topics will focus on the largest needs of surrounding districts and will be offered twice a month.
Upcoming Trainings
Model Schools AI Academy
Previous Trainings
Using AI to Increase Productivity in the Business Office
How can School Business Officials using AI chatbot tools in their workflow? Let's explore specific examples of prompts to increase your productivity.
Computer Based Testing: Tools and Resources for Preparing your Class
This after-school learning will be a short 45 minute session to support teachers in preparing their students for Computer-Based Testing. We will discuss basic requirements of the state-mandate, but focus mostly on student preparation. We will review specific tools and resources (both free and paid-for) that teachers can use immediately to familiarize students with the platform and prepare their skills. Ultimately the future of assessments for students will be online, thus the more we can prepare now the better!
Star: Planning Instruction with Focus Skills - After-School Learning
Let's review your student benchmarking results and make them actionable. We'll review how to make instructional decisions with Star data specifically by looking at Instructional Reports, Focus Skills and the Planner tool. Join this quick 45 minute after-school learning opportunity to make the most of this benchmarking data.
Find the presentation at:
Star: Beginning to Interpret Data - Lunch & Learn
Your students have completed their mid-year benchmarking - so let's review results. We'll take a look at some of the key scores, reports, and overall student performance data to begin planning the "now what." This workshop is for teachers, staff and administrators that would like an introduction to key data concepts, while guiding you through a handful of reports and their significance. It will be a hands-on exploration, so please make sure you have access to log-in and review results ahead of time.
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Castle Learning: Prepare Students for CBT
Castle Learning's student screen mimics the NYS grades 3-8 CBT toolbar and math equation editor. Utilize Castle Learning to assess needs, master content and practice the CBT. Hosted by Kim Connor of Castle Learning
Google Tools: A resource exploration of the unusual and unfamiliar
This 45 minute workshop will explore some powerful but little-known Google tools. We'll specifically explore Tools for teachers and students, Curriculum resources and ideas, Map tools to explore our world, Creative tools for expression and Fun tools that may still be educational. You'll leave with ideas on how to implement in your instruction, as well as plenty of resources to share with others.
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Kicking the Keyboarding Krisis: Is your Typing Taught up to Standard?
Keyboarding is a valuable lifelong skill for students. It's also a valuable test-taking skill - especially as we get closer to full Computer Based Testing implementation. This training will review the importance of keyboarding for students in K-12, including state recommendations and standards. We will discuss software options for keyboarding, including what resources are available through Model Schools.
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Google Forms: Enhance your Assessment Workflow
Join this workshop to build skills and make assessments you'll use in your classroom and school. We'll learn how powerful Google Forms is as a data collection and analysis tool. We'll build quizzes and tests that automate and make your life easier, while also exploring add-ons such as FormMule, FormRanger, and Quiz Banker - all towards building your skill-set to create, and analyze online assessments.
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Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards: An Interactive Overview
All New York State schools are currently in the capacity-building phase of the new Computer Science and Digital Fluency standards. This stage requires school to "focus on curriculum development, resource acquisition, and professional development." Join this work session to take time to digest the what, why and how of the standards. We'll explore a wealth of practical curriculum ideas to bring back to your district and plan, and begin planning for Initial Implementation in 2023.
This training is open to any ONC BOCES component school district staff.
1-hour lunch on your own. Coffee and tea available.
Nearpod: A Deep Dive
Join this day long workshop to explore how you effectively implement Nearpod in your instruction. Participants will
Participate in an interactive overview of all Nearpod features
Explore instructional strategies and best practices when using Nearpod
Use time to create your own useable classroom resources
Get turn-key resources to support others in your district
Learn and experiment with newer Nearpod features, such as videos, Renaissance integrations and other updates
This training is open to any ONC BOCES component school district staff. It is recommended for those who have access to premium Nearpod features, but will be adapted for all ability levels.
1 hour lunch on your own. Coffee and tea available.
Cool Free Tech Tools: Ed Law 2D Compliant Tools you Should Use
24 Free software resources that are Ed Law 2-D compliant are available to teachers within districts that opt-in. Let's learn about what Ed Law 2-D is, and how it impacts the software you choose to use. Then let's take time to explore the great potential of these free resources for best integrating technology into instruction. Some favorites we'll go over include Book Creator, Boom Learning, Blooket,, Nearpod, NewsELA, Pear Deck, Wakelet and more. This is a great opportunity to build your repertoire of educational and creative technology tools for both Teacher and Student.
Find the Presentation at:
Ed Law 2D for New Leaders
Education Law 2-D became effective in January 2020 and asks a lot from Teachers and Administrators. Join this workshop to learn the basics, get resources, and answer your questions about what you are and aren't doing to protect the privacy of your students. This workshop is for any staff member who plays an important role in using and integrating technology at schools.
Find the Presentation at: