
We want everyone in the OLMC community to try these challenges. One of these challenges will give you an opportunity to win an amazon $20 gift card. Also, remember any challenges, dances, or pictures that you take please #intlday20 and #olmcproud.

Challenge #1: BINGO

We want you to play OLMC International Bingo. You take this photo and cross out all the boxes that you have done. Once completed you upload and post it on social media with #olmcproud. You then upload a second blank bingo card and tag five friends or family member. Let's make this go viral! Have fun and let us see who gets a BINGO!

Challenge #2: Futbol STAR!

We have our very own Khalib Baksh (Senior) showing his crazy freestyling techniques. He represents Trinidad and Tobago. The sports that are played there are cricket and football (what we call soccer). Also, the number 1 sport in the world is soccer. This is Khalib's final year at OLMC and we wish him the best of luck on his future endeavors. Sit back and enjoy. Once you are done seeing the video we challenge you to replicate some of Khalibs tricks. When you do include #intlday20, tag Khalib @kb9freestyle, or send your videos and pictures to

Challenge #3: KAHOOT!


SHS wants to challenge you! We are going to play Kahoot. Click on this Kahoot CHALLENGE Link or if you have Kahoot on your phone you can use this pin number: 09425673. When you play the Kahoot make sure you use your full name for your username. You will have until 3 PM to play this challenge. Once the challenge is complete we will only take the first place winner and give them (mail them) a $20 Amazon gift card! Winner will be announced on OLMC facebook and instagram page. Thank you so much for playing and we hope you liked todays challenges.