Meet the Teacher

Hello Fabulous Future First Graders

Mrs. Carter; 1st Grade Teacher

Hi! I am Mrs. Carter, your First Grade Teacher! First, I hope you all  have a wonderful summer. I hope you find time to do all the things that bring you joy in your heart and make you happy! Summer is a perfect time to enjoy all of God's creation, explore, and get outside! 

Second, I want to tell you how excited I am to get to be your teacher this coming school year. We are going to have so much fun learning and using our imaginations! 

I also want to tell you a little about me! I received my bachelor in education from Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho, and my masters degree in science and mathematics from Oregon State University.  I have been a teacher for a very long time. Half of my life I have been teaching! I want you to imagine and think of something that you love very much- that is how much I love teaching! I thank God everyday I get to do something I love as a job. Something else I love is BIG FUN! So, you should know that I think learning should be fun! Learning can be hard work too, but I promise you will have BIG FUN this year in First Grade.  Some of my favorite things to do when I am away from the classroom include snowboarding, watersports, and spending time with family. I have two daughters, Gracie, a junior (Canby High School), and an OLL graduate, and a current 8th grader at OLL, Addi!

I look forward to hearing about all the things you love and some of your favorite things to do. I look forward to helping you grow and develop as leaders, readers, faith-filled Christians, artists, scientists mathematicians, celebrate the liturgical calendar as we journey through the year, and so much more! 

Finally, if you are ever in Canby this summer, where I live- feel free to send me a note, I would love to have you stop in and say hello!  Canby is a fun place to visit in the summer for the Canby Ferry, Canby Rodeo, and the Dahlia Farm!