
Parents at Our Lady of Grace School

We believe parents are the first teachers of their children and strive for a partnership rooted in respect.

Our Lady of Grace School is a very welcoming community that is always looking to invite more families into our school. We know that our safe, country-like setting offers your child a nurturing environment in which to pursue academic excellence and a strong faith formation. Our highly qualified teachers bring their love of learning to the classroom and provide a diverse curriculum which includes core studies that meet or exceed California Content Standards as well as classes in P.E., Computer Science, Art, and Music program. Because we know these things to be true, we encourage others to join us in the partnership of educating the whole child at OLG.

Parent Participation Hours

Each registered family is expected to complete at least thirty (30) hours of participation. Every event presents an opportunity to earn participation hours. Your help can come in the form of setting up, cleaning up, serving food, preparing food…the list is quite long and just about anything counts. Other ways to help on campus would include volunteering to assist teachers, driving and/or chaperoning on field trips, helping with hot lunch distribution, and volunteering your time as a recess yard duty.

There are even ways to earn Parent Participation Hours at home. Parent Participation hours can be logged through SchoolSpeak. by filling out the form online or by obtaining one from the School Office.


Our Lady of Grace School has an alternate approach to typical fund raising. We have one (1) major source of fund raising that is the second part of fulfilling the Family Enrollment Agreement: Scrip.

The Scrip program at OLG requires each registered family to purchase $2,000.00 worth of Scrip before the end of the school year. This is a great way to raise money without costing anyone money that they wouldn’t already be spending. Simply purchase gift cards through the OLG School Office for all of your shopping needs, i.e., restaurants, retail stores, gasoline, online shopping, etc., and OLG earns a percentage of the sale – it costs you nothing extra! All it takes is a little planning ahead, and most of your purchases can be made using OLG Scrip.

Participation In A Major Event

OLG has a few major events throughout the year: OLG Crab Feed, Auction Night, Jog-A-Thon, Chili Cook-Off, and Grandparents’ Day.

Although you have the option of paying for your Parent Participation Hours in advance, there is no exception to attending one of OLG’s major events. The reason for this is simple: these events represent the culture of our school and as a member of the OLG family, you need to be a part of what makes us who we are. We are a very involved community here at Our Lady of Grace, and it is very important that everyone can take some responsibility for the success of our school.

Catholic School Advisory Council (CSAC)

Our Lady of Grace CSAC's , under the direction of the principal, sole purpose is to advise the OLG principal regarding site specific matters. They help foster school community and culture. The principal serves as chairman of the CSAC and facilitates the meetings. Members serve for a limited term at the discretion of the principal. While the commission does not make policy, they make recommendations. Areas of focus include:

  • Development

  • Facilities

  • Mission Effectiveness – Catholic Identity and school integration

  • Community Relations – Outreach and Awareness

  • Parent Engagement