
All parents or guardians must screen their children at home for signs and symptoms of illness prior to coming to school and attest to this screening by filling out the Symptom-Free Parent Affidavit. They must determine if their child has: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.

If a child has any of these symptoms OR has been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, they must be kept at home and have the option of participating in distance learning.

If a student falls ill during the school day, the child will be removed from their stable group immediately and held in a designated isolation area in the school administration building. The student must keep his or her face covering on at all times, regardless of his or her grade, while in the isolation area. They will be screened in the conference room for a fever 100.0ºF or higher, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or contact with any person who has tested positive for COVID-19.

If the symptom is a result of a chronic illness or pre-existing condition, a note from a licensed healthcare provider confirming diagnosis will be allowable and the student may return to school immediately.

If the child exhibits any of these symptoms during the school day, they MUST be picked up and taken home as soon as possible and COVID testing is encouraged. Students and their families are encouraged to first consult with their primary care physician. Families will also be made aware of county testing sites if a physician will not test. For a student to return to campus, they must have met San Diego County HHSA criteria to discontinue home isolation, including: 24 hours with no fever and no medication, symptoms have been resolved for 72 hours AND, 10 days since symptoms first appeared or test date. If a student tests negative, they may return 72 hours after symptoms have resolved.

Faculty and Staff

Teachers and staff will be held to the same health guidelines as outlined in the student section. Teachers are required to self-screen at home prior to coming to school. Upon arrival, staff will be visually screened for symptoms of COVID-19 and verbally asked if they or anyone in their household has tested positive for COVID-19 or has traveled out of state. Staff temperatures will be taken with a no-touch thermometer. If the staff member answers yes to any symptom or has a fever of 100.0ºF or higher, he or she will be sent home. If throughout the day a teacher or staff member develops a fever or any other symptoms, they will be screened following our policies and procedures designated for students. Teachers and staff will be allowed to return to campus when they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including: 24 hours with no fever and no medication, symptoms have been resolved for 72 hours AND, 10 days since 26 symptoms first appeared or test date. If a teacher/staff member tests negative, they may return 72 hours after symptoms have resolved.


Visitors and volunteers are not allowed on campus. In the case of an emergency, all visitors to campus will be screened and follow the same procedures outlined in the faculty and staff section of this document. Signage at the entrance of the school states this procedure.

Close Contact

The CDC defines contact as a person who is <6 feet from a case for >15 minutes cumulative within a 24-hour period. If a student within a cohort becomes symptomatic, is positive, or presumed positive, OLG School may need to consider the entire cohort exposed. The Health Liaisons will work with SD HHSA Consultation to make final determinations and take necessary action to isolate and quarantine exposed persons.