

Faculty and staff members may begin entering the school at 6:45am. The Administrative Assistant, who also functions as our school Health Liaison, will take each faculty and staff member’s temperature to ensure it is below 100.0ºF. She will also ask each individual if they or anyone in their household is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. After completing the health screening, teachers will wash their hands and then continue on to their individual classrooms. All teachers and OLG Staff members that travel out of state must quarantine for 2 weeks at home before returning to work.


After supervising student dismissal, school employees may leave out of the main gate or the front office gate to return home.


All entrance, egress, and movement protocols have signage posted and were designed in order to maintain physical distancing and small, stable cohorts. Students in grades K-8 must be wearing CDC-approved face coverings from the moment they exit their cars at drop-off to the moment they enter cars at pickup. Parents may not exit their cars for any reason.

Entrance (Dropoff)

Time frame for arrival is 7:30-7:55am.

Late Students

Students that are late must be dropped off at the front office gate. Students will be buzzed in by the Administrative Assistant and she will ensure the Symptom-Free Parent Affidavit has been completed.

Daily Symptom Free Parent Affidavit

Before coming to school each morning, parents must complete the following form and attest that neither their student nor anyone in their household is exhibiting anything the CDC identifies as a symptom of COVID-19 or is not in compliance with San Diego County Health Orders.

Egress (Pickup)

Time frame for dismissal is 2:40-3:00. All students, K-5, are called by last name in small groups to ensure physical distance is maintained, helping with reporting of carpools. Students wait at assigned numbers (one-seven) as parents pull up to designated parking spaces.

Outdoor Arcades (Hallways)

Teachers and staff will ensure that students maintain physical distancing in lines as they move throughout the outdoor hallways in their stable groupings. Signage marks the direction students are to move. Classrooms in the first arcade that have two doors will have those doors labeled as either an entrance or an exit.


Students will visit the restrooms at their designated class time to avoid mixing of cohorts when practicable. If a student needs to use a restroom outside this time frame, they will be reminded of the importance of physical distancing and keeping their face covering in place. Signage in the bathroom will remind them of maximum occupancy and best practices for hand washing.


Students are to come to school with their lunch which will stay with them at their desk. No late lunches may be dropped off in the office. Students will sit in their socially distanced designated lunch area. Face coverings will be removed for eating and drinking. Hand sanitizer or hand washing opportunities will be given to students before and after eating.


Signage throughout the campus will be used to remind students to maintain physical distancing, wear their face coverings properly, wash their hands frequently and properly, and to practice good hygiene.