Helpful Hints

The following information will give you a basic overview of things to expect this school year.  You will also find valuable information that will help you and your child prepare for the beginning of school.  Any additional questions you have can be answered during Pre-K Orientation Night on Monday, August 14, from 6:00-7:00 p.m..

COMMUNICATION -   A newsletter will be provided through email or hardcopy in your child's folder every week explaining class objectives for the week.  Upcoming special events might also be mentioned in these newsletters.

FOLDERS - Please check your child’s folder DAILY for communication between school and home.  The Weekly Behavior Chart must be signed each day. The red folder is our lifeline and will contain correspondence to and from school.  Students should not be removing items from the folder. Activities completed at school will be sent home in the red folder and can be kept at home.

BOOK SACK – Your child needs a book sack that is large enough to accommodate the folder and any nap time items (small blanket and small soft item to snuggle with).  Your child must be able to open and close the book sack by himself/herself.

NAP- Students nap from 1:00-2:10 each day. Your child can have a small blanket (must be rolled to fit in cubby) similar to those used for infants. A very small pillow can be used and one small, soft stuffy. I will go over this during Orientation. We are not using mat covers at this time to alleviate sanitary concerns and help with limited storage space.

BIRTHDAYS – On your child’s birthday, you may send cookies, cupcakes, cake, or a similar treat, if you so desire.  We will celebrate birthdays during our snack time (about 2:15).  There are 18 children in our class.  We will also celebrate summer birthdays.  A letter announcing your child’s birthday celebration will be sent home in advance.

TRANSPORTATION – Please send a LARGE note from home anytime your child has a change in his or her afternoon transportation getting home.  You may call the school and leave a message or email me (before 1:30).  I will NEVER make changes based on a child telling me.  We request, even encourage you to pick up your child early (beginning at 2:40) to help ease the afternoon congestion if they are car riders.  Our class is seated in Chance Hall and you are welcome to walk in and pick up. Otherwise, you may process through the car line. In my experience, all students are gone by 3:20. After 3:25, students are sent to after school care so teachers can tend to their afternoon obligations.

ILLNESS – Please do not send your child to school if there is any indication of being ill.  This is in the best interest of all the children.  A child should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school after an illness. 

CLOTHING – Label all jackets, sweaters, etc. with your child’s name.  Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for guidelines for appropriate dress.

SPIRIT DAYS – Spirit Days occur throughout the year on different occasions.  Some appear on the monthly school calendar and some are announced additionally.  On this day, spirit shirts may be worn with uniform bottoms or blue jeans.  Blue jean skirts, shorts, etc. are not allowed on these days.  Spirit shirts will be sold early in the school year.

MASSMass schedules have not been completed at this time.  Please refer to the calendar for Mass days.  Your child must be dressed for Mass (see handbook) on all Mass days.  

TOYS – Toys from home are not allowed.  We have plenty of activities and manipulatives for the children to play with.  You will be notified in the newsletter when the children may bring something for activities such as Show-n-Tell or Cat's Meow.

ATTENDANCE – Arriving on time is very important. Children must arrive by 7:55. We prefer children to line up together and enter the classroom as a class.  This allows us to be ready for the morning Prayer and Pledge. Tardy slips must be acquired from the front office if you arrive after 8:00 and students must be accompanied by their parent(s).  Only three (3) tardies are allowed.  You will receive a notice from the Assistant Principal after three tardies. 

LUNCH – Lunch is from 10:40-11:10 a.m.  Students must eat the school prepared lunch. After Labor Day, you may choose an occasion to eat with your child. You must be Safe Environment Certified.

ART T-SHIRT – Please send an oversized t-shirt to be worn over uniforms during art.  Please label with your child’s name and bring it on the first day of school.  (This was requested with the school supplies.)

FEES – All fees will be collected through the FACTS system.

SAFE ENVIRONMENT CERTIFICATION – You are required to be certified in order to attend/participate in class activities.  Initial Trainings are Wednesday, August 23 from 6-8 p.m.,  Tuesday, September 26 from 8-10 a.m., or Wednesday, September 27 from 12-2 p.m. in Knight Hall. Re-certifications are done online @

First Day of School for Pre-K41st Half on August 9, 2nd Half on August 10. Your child will only attend one of these days. Refer to your letter sent from Fatima School.

We look forward to a wonderful year with you and your child.