First Days of Pre-K

The first few days of Pre-K can be a scary time for some children (and some moms and dads, too!). The children have probably been thinking about their new school for a while. Now, as they walk into a new room filled with new kids, new adults, new “stuff” everywhere, and maybe Mom looks a little teary-eyed that her “baby” is growing up too fast... well, it’s no wonder some kids suddenly cling to parents and cry! As your child’s new teacher, my goal is to create a comfortable and welcoming environment. Different children will naturally enter their new school and classroom in different ways. Some will be more than ready to interact with new children and grownups, while others will be a little shy and hesitant. Some will probably cry and feel afraid. We will work together to encourage every child to enjoy being at school among friendly kids and caring adults.

Here are a few tips for getting through those first few days.

- Try to act confident yourself. If you seem anxious and unsure about leaving your child at school, children pick up on that and start wondering if there really is something to worry about!

- When it is time for you to leave, make sure you say goodbye. Trying to “sneak out” when the child is busy and not looking, sometimes makes kids panic a few minutes later, and may make separation even more difficult the next day.

- Separation problems show up on the second or third day, just when you think you’re getting off easy! It is also common for children to have problems when there are major changes in the home. Let me know if there is anything happening at your house that you think is important for us to know.

- Please remember that I am a parent myself and really do understand how hard this can be. I know that you are entrusting me with a very precious gift, and I feel so honored to be your child’s teacher.

- If your child is having an especially hard time, I will give you a call at home or work, or I will send an e-mail as soon as I get a minute to let you know how things are going.