
Ms. Robinson

Welcome to 8th grade science! We are about to embark on a scientific journey though different aspects of science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Climate. So sit back and get ready for our expedition into the unknown!

Quick access to sites we will be using in class.

Homework will be found on google classroom and is updated daily. Please check this site to make sure you have completed the classroom assignments.

Classroom Management Plan

8th Grade Science


Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class. Students are expected to come to class on time and be ready to begin class.

Students who have been absent will be expected to make up any assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to come to me and get any work that has been missed. Should you be absent from class you must see me on your own time-not class time on the day you return to find out what you missed while absent. Work due the day of your absence will be expected upon your return. Extended assignments, such as projects, which are given future “due date” will not be accepted late due to your absence. In this case you must make arrangements to get the assignments work to me before the end of the school day.


Homework will be assigned nightly. It is your responsibility to complete all work assigned and in the time allotted. Any homework not completed or presented at the required time will not receive credit (i.e.: “It’s in my locker”, “I forgot my book and it’s in my book”, “I did the wrong assignment”, etc.).


Your grade for science will be derived from tests, quizzes, homework and binder checks (Lab work and projects will count as test grades). Quizzes will be announced and unannounced. A quiz is usually based on previous day’s work or homework. A test is based upon the entire chapter. Tests are always announced in advanced.

Tests 40% of term grade

Quizzes 20% of term grade

Labs/Projects 20% of term grade

Homework 10% of term grade

In Class assignments 10% of term grade

Extra Help

Don’t wait too long if you are struggling, talk to me!!

I will be available for extra help/make-ups on Tuesday’s. Please feel free to come to me with any questions or problems you may need help with.

Classroom Rules and Expectations

  1. Be Prepared for class with all class materials

  2. Bathroom breaks are allowed in the being of class (the first 15 minutes)

  3. Raise your hands before speaking and one person speaks at a time

  4. Always respect the teacher and your fellow classmates

  5. No eating in the classroom, water is acceptable

  6. Please ask for help when you need it

I am looking forward to a great year! I will help in any way I can!!! If there is any questions please don't hesitate to email me: