Week 16 - Friday 12th January 2024

Welcome back to school following the Christmas holiday break.  We hope you has a lovely family break and we wish all our families a very happy and healthy 2024.  Barney was very pleased to be back in school and welcome staff, children and parents back to school on Monday!  

2024 is a very exciting time for Oldcastle Primary School with many new and interesting developments in school.  We can't wait to share these with you throughout the school year.  Next week sees the launch of our new Toddler Group  which we are looking forward to.  The Toddler Group will be held in the main hall - more information is provided below.

Oldcastle Primary, in partnership with Baobab Bach, supporting the community with weekly groceries

Next week also sees the launch of our community food pantry in partnership with Baobab Bach.  We are absolutely delighted to be able to offer this provision to our families.

The school is very keen to support the local families and identified a need to act as a hub to provide reduced cost food bags to residents who may be struggling with the rising cost of food items. Baobab Bach is an established organisation working with local organisations and volunteers to build and help sustain community pantries that provide a helping hand to those that need it. The organisation aims to promote good mental health, support the environment and eradicate food poverty. 

Baobab Bach provides a reduced cost food bag to ensure that members receive quality affordable food for only £5 per bag. On average the bags contain up to 15 items to help fill up cupboards and make meals. The bags provided via Oldcastle Primary School will contain ambient food such as canned or packaged items, root vegetables and bread items.

To receive a bag, participants should be a member of the Baobab Bach pantry scheme which costs £1 for life.  Membership cards are available from Oldcastle Primary School.  Initially a limited number of bags will be available and individuals are encouraged to reserve a bag.  Additional bags may be available if demand exists.  Bags are available to anyone and are not means tested.  

The Food Pantry will launch on Tuesday 16th January and will continue every Tuesday between 2pm and 3pm.

To purchase a bag we ask that families order one each week by contacting us via email (ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk) or by phone on 01656 815790.


We are also asking parents who may be able to donate food and toiletries to us for distribution to families in need.  We ask for donations of tinned, packaged, long life food or any toiletries.  If you are able to donate please drop the items into main reception on a Tuesday morning. Thank you for your support,

Family Thrive Sessions

We are delighted to offer parents and carers the opportunity to attend the Family Thrive for Parents and Carers Course.  This course will consist of six sessions and will introduce you to the key principles of the Thrive Approach in an accessible way so that you are better able to understand and support the work that is being done in Oldcastle.

It covers topics such as: How our brain develops, how to support your child in times of difficulty, and how to be a behaviour detective.  It will start on Thursday 25th January and end on the 7th March, this will include a one week break for the February half-term holiday.

If you would like to attend please fill in the form below to express your interest.  Numbers will be limited, but further courses will be run to meet demand.  Please see the information leaflet attached for more detail and feel free to contact Mrs Diehl if you have any questions.

The session will run from 9am to 11.30am.  Please complete the form below if you are interested in attending.

Family Thrive Sessions Form

Oldcastle Toddlers

From Wednesday 17th January we will be starting a new Toddler Group in Oldcastle Primary School. Pre booking is essential please message us through our new Oldcastle Toddlers Facebook page to book a place. Places are limited.

Please like and share the Oldcastle Toddlers page.

Facebook - Oldcastle Toddlers

Well-Being Parent Questionnaire

We are seeking parents views on well-being in Oldcastle Primary School.  As part of our overview of well-being we have sought opinions from pupils and staff, and we would now like to understand parental opinion.  Please complete the short questionnaire and let us know your views.

Well-Being Questionnaire

Thank you for your support.

British Sign Language - Come learn sign language with us!

Today in assembly Harry and Ava, our year 5 junior leaders, launch an introduction to sign language.  The aim is to continue with the sign language lesson in each weekly assembly and build upon whole school knowledge of sign language.  We wanted to share this video with parents to allow your child to show you what they have learnt and to practice at home.  

Reading Events

Thank you to those parents from nursery to year 1 who attended our reading event on Thursday.  The aim is to enable parents to find out more information about how your child reads at Oldcastle.  Two sessions will be held for parents in years 2 to 6 on Thursday 18th January at 9.15am and 2.15pm.  If you would like to attend please click on the booking form.  

Year 2 to 6 - Booking Form

We understand that it is not always possible to attend these events so we will arrange for the presentation to be included on our website for you to view following the sessions.

Siarter Iaith Silver Award

We are delighted to have achieved the Siarter Iaith Bronze Award in July 2023 and the Silver Award verification in November 2023.  We recently received the feedback report regarding our Silver Award verification.  Below is an extract from the feedback.


Llongyfarchiadau i bawb yn Ysgol Gynradd Hengastell, rydych chi’n llawn haeddu gwobr arian Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Campus.


Congratulations to everyone in Oldcastle Primary School, you richly deserve the Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Campus silver award.

You can read the full report on our website via this link - Silver Award Feedback Report

Welsh Government Consultation - Structure of the School Year

The Welsh Government want to hear your thoughts on the structure of the school year, also known as the school calendar.  Welsh Government are thinking about changing the school calendar to suit learners, teachers and families better. This may mean changing the timing of school breaks.  Please follow the link below for more information on Welsh Government plans and details on how to respond to the consultation.

Welsh Government Consultation School Year

Year 6 Leavers Production

Year 6 are starting to look at their end of year production and we are pleased to announce that the children will be performing Annie this year.  The end of year production is always an exciting time for year 6 pupils and teachers as they learn new skills to wow their parents.  The quality of the production always makes us proud as the children and staff put in so much work to ensure a fantastic perforamnce.  Children have the opportunity to learn about set design, sound and lighting, learning the script and performing on stage! We look forward to keeping you up to date on their progress - the performance will take place in the summer term.

E- Safety Policy - Smart Watches

We would like to remind you of our policy regarding smart watches in school.  Below is an extract from our E Safety Policy.

Children should not wear smartwatches to school that can take photographs. 

The functionality of these watches poses concerns regarding privacy and safety as children are freely allowed to take photos in all areas of the school.

Thank you for your support.

Nursery Open Event for Prospective Parents

We are delighted to invite prospective parents to attend an Open Event at the school on Tuesday 30th January. We have two session times at 10am and 4pm available for parents and their children to call in to see our lovely facilities. You will also get a chance to meet Barney our well-being dog! For more information and to book a place please follow this link.

 Nursery Open Event Booking Form 

School Attendance

Attendance at school is important. Our whole school target for attendance is 95%.  This week's attendance was 95.3%.

BCBC Attendance Meeting

Parents are invited to attend an attendance meeting on Monday 29th January from 9.15am to 10am.  The session will allow parents to understand the importance of good attendance. The session will be run by BCBC Early Help team.

If you would like to attend please complete this form BCBC Attendance Meeting

School Values

The school values for January is Community and Service

Throughout the year we will implement the following values each month.

School Vision

At Oldcastle, we are proud of each other and ourselves. We nurture all of our community so that we grow as confident, responsible and happy people. Oldcastle school is more than just learning.



Together we make the difference

Together we shape innovative experiences 

More information on our values and visions can be found on our website.  Visions and Values

Nut Free School

Please can we remind parents that we strive to be a nut free school as we have a number of pupils who have a severe allergy to nuts.  

This includes nut products such as peanut butter and nutella. 

Contact details

Please ensure we have up to date contact details for you to ensure you keep up to date with school news and we are able to contact you during the school day if required.  You can either email us with change of details (ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk) or complete the change of details form.  

School Photos

Year 3 New Book Launch

Children in year 3 took part in a circus experience  this week to launch  their new book “Leon and the Place Between”.   The children had popcorn, circus tickets and a trip to the 4D room to watch a circus trapeze show. All children were encouraged to use their five senses to describe the experience to the rest of the class.  Looks fantastic fun!


The children have settled back really well, they have enjoyed seeing their friends and getting back into our routine.  This week we have been colour mixing.  We have made a giant rainbow. 

Pupil Success

Well done to Heidi from year 5 who travelled to Birmingham over the new year break to compete at the British Junior Open Squash  Championship.  This is the biggest junior squash tournament in the world with players from all over the world attending.  Heidi played in the girls U11 category against players from USA, Malaysia, British Virgin Islands, India and the UK and achieved a respectable 22nd place. We are very proud of Heidi and her achievement especially thinking that only 3 months ago she was on crutches. Heidi hopes her next sporting adventure will be to compete in Europe!  

Community News

Free menstrual products subscription

If you’re under 25 years old and live or attend school in Bridgend County Borough, you could receive free menstrual products thanks to our partnership with Grace & Green, a leading provider of eco-friendly period products. 

Sign up to receive products directly to your home address or collect from a local pick-up point. 


Useful Dates

The next Parents Evenings are planned for week beginning 11th March 2024.

Inset Days 2023/24

Inset Days have been approved by Governors for 2023/24 and they are as follows:

P.E. lessons this term will take place on the following days.  Children attending school should wear their P.E. kit to school on the day of their lesson.


In the event that you have a concern regarding a child please follow this procedure:

More information on Safeguarding at Oldcastle can be found on our website.