Miss Davies and Mrs Brotherton / Mrs Burr

Autumn Newsletter

Our topic this term - Warriors

Language, Literacy and Communication

Within Language, children will study ‘The BFG’, and will explore the themes of friendship and feelings. They will focus on writing their own character descriptions and autobiographies as well as describing a story setting . Children will also complete written work through topic activities and will be encouraged to include paragraphs, adjectives, similes and adverbs, a variety of punctuation and connectives. Guided Reading sessions will take place within class and children will work with a teacher to read a book as a group.

In Welsh the topic will be 'Yn y Ty' / 'In the House'. The children will also continue to reinforce and extend on the language patterns learnt in Year 2 during daily 'Helpwr Heddiw' sessions.


This term, Year 3 are continuing to use Numicon resources to build on and develop their mathematical skills from Year 2. Children will: build on place value knowledge to 1000; read and write numbers to 1000; use mental strategies to recall number facts to and beyond 20; identify odd and even numbers to 1000 and recall the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.

By using practical equipment to transfer mathematical skills to a variety of everyday situations, children will develop a deeper understanding of skills and knowledge. During lessons, children will be developing their mental and practical mathematical strategies such as adding and subtracting using a number line.

Other Curriculum Areas

In the afternoons, topic and P.E sessions will be taught by: Miss Davies, Mrs Brotherton and Mrs. Burr. Miss Ellett and Miss Hodgson will be teaching Expressive Arts. PE is on a Monday so please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E kit. As a safety precaution, we politely remind you that jewellery should not be worn on this day.

In History the children will learn about the Celtic way of life such as foods, jewellery, houses and buildings, transport and art. Celebrations for Christian, and other religious festivals will also take place. Within Science, children will learn about how their body works and explore the digestive system as well as find out about 'The Food Pyramid'.

Things to remember

Children should have a water bottle and a reading book in school every day.