Parent Tips

In order to support all members of our community at this time, we would like to share with you ideas on how you can create a learning culture at home. It will be important to establish this from the beginning so that your children understand that even though they are at home, their learning can continue. It will also help them to understand that you may be in the same situation; your work needs to continue.

At school, all students follow routines and are expected to work in particular ways. This helps everyone to achieve their learning (or work) goals. Below are ideas on how to establish these routines and ways of working in the home environment:

  • Students spend significant time outside each day playing so ensure they have some equipment they can play with (a collection of balls, skipping ropes, chalk) and send them outside

  • Together, create a list of ‘ways of working’ or ‘agreed behaviours’ or ‘non negotiables’. It is important to do this together and ensure everyone understands the reason why each point is important

  • Together, create a learning space that is equipped with books, paper, pencils, textas etc. scissors, glue, art and craft supplies and devices

  • Expect your children to look after this learning space. Teachers do.

  • Keep in touch with your child’s teacher by using the process outlined

  • Encourage your children to create learning goals and turn them into “I can” statements (I can follow my home timetable on my own. I can keep my learning space tidy)

If your children are asking questions about Covid19 then this is the perfect time to model to children how to always ‘check your source’ by going to reliable sources of information:

These resources can be used to provide guidance and advice on maintaining a positive mindset and remaining calm through these stressful times.

These resources provide ideas for additional learning experiences at home.

Daily Schedule
coronavirus pdf.pdf
Parent's Guide to a Growth Mindset - Big Life Journal (1).pdf