Certification Exam Support for OKCPS Educators

Education is a field that requires evidence of professional competency.  In Oklahoma, teachers are required to pass certification exams as a way to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skillset to educate our young scholars.  This page will include information about the tests that are required including the OSAT (Oklahoma Subject Area Test) and PPAT (Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers).  

Oklahoma General Education Test

House Bill 3658 was signed by the Governor on May 5, 2022.  The bill eliminates the Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET) requirement for ALL certification pathways.  This is effective IMMEDIATELY.  

Subject Area Assessment

***UPDATE, 04/16/2024  OSDE is now accepting the Praxis Subject Assessments again.

Oklahoma teachers now have a choice in how they want to demonstrate competency in their subject area of certification.  Teachers will be required to pass a Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) or a Praxis subject assessment, not both.  To help teachers make an informed decision about what assessment is right for them, information about both tests can be found by clicking the links included in this section.

Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers

This link includes ALL information about the PPAT.   The assessment contains four tasks requiring written commentary and submission of artifacts that will demonstrate they have the basic pedagogical content knowledge and application for the classroom to begin teaching as an entry-level teacher.  (ETS)


Registration for the Fall 2022 assessment has closed.  Registration for the Spring 2023 assessment is open until February 1, 2023.  (Task 1 is due on February 8, 2023.)  The cost of the PPAT is $300.  Find more information about registration and fees HERE.

OKCPS Resource Click HERE 

This resource is designed specifically for our emergency and alternatively certified teachers and anyone who supports them.  It includes FAQs about the process and testing resources.