Digital Tools/Resources

1. Effective Technology Integration

As we work to keep Ogden students healthy and engaged...

The Student Achievement team has shared the Student Achievement Framework with all schools.

When ensuring we meet student needs in each of these seven areas, we should employ high-quality, effective, and engaging digital tools.

This site contains the resources you need to elevate the Digital Teaching & Learning in your classroom. Start here by reviewing the framework doc to the right, then start choosing a digital tool that will support your learning objectives.

Student Achievement Framework - for published plan

Beyond choosing the "right" tool...

There are many standards and frameworks to help teachers, teams, and schools take digital teaching & learning (DTL) to the next level.

Option 1: We start by measuring technology in teaching and learning using the systems accreditation tool - Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool (eleot) - and specifically focus on Environment G: Digital Learning (See details below). Your principal may respond with coaching suggestions based on these observations.

Option 2: If need is identified with the eleot tool, we use the Triple E framework (See details below) to narrow our focus on how DTL impacts Engagement, Enhancement, and Extension of learning. Your principal may respond with coaching suggestions based on these observations.

Digital Elevation | Educator Guide

2. Choose the "Right" Tool

The flowchart below will guide teachers, teams, and schools in selecting the "right" tool that advance student progress on the instructional standards.

3. Select Your Tools!