Mythology & Folklore Resources

" I get a lot of inspiration from research

 in mythology and folklore.

 I find that, you know, stories people told to 

each other thousands of years ago 

are still relevant now."

Cassandra Clare 

General Mythology & Folklore Links 

Folklore & Mythology Electronic Texts

Mr. Donn Myths & Legends

International Children's Digital Library

Windows the the Universe: Mythology

Andrew Lang's Fairy Books 

Project Gutenberg 

If you do a search for the following you can find free eBooks: 

Fairy tales, mythology, follkore, folk-lore, folk tales, myths 


If you do a search for the following you can find free Audiobooks: 

Fairy tales, mythology, follkore, folk-lore, folk tales, myths 

The Hero's Journey

Mythologies from Around the World