Mrs. Whipple

Good morning class,

As we dive in head first Wednesday to at home/online/distance learning. I want you to know we are all new at this, and we are in this together. Also - I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS. Please reach out with questions, frustrations, concerns etc. I will do my very best to address those in a timely manner. I will be available during regular school hours (8:00 - 3:00) via e-mail or by appointment for in person meetings. Please e-mail me or use the message feature in Google Classroom. Please check Google Classroom for updates on classwork. This can be accessed through I feel that we have used Google Classroom enough that students will feel comfortable with accessing their work there. For assignments--if you plan on working online and are able to do so, please login into Google Classroom and follow the directions there. I will post assignments by date. If you are unable to work online, please let me know and I will have copies to pick up . I am excited to embark on this journey...but I am already feeling the emptiness of our classroom. I am working on some fun, video interactions and virtual games while we are working apart. Be safe. Do good things. Keep in touch.

Don't forget to check out the specials page, there are art and music activities for all grades that the students may be interested in.

Specials -

Spanish -

Letter from Mr. Gunn

Virtual Library -

Untitled presentation