2023-2024 Science Activities


The Challenge: Using one sheet of paper, build a paper bridge that spans a 10-inch gap and can hold weight

Students were up to the challenge and applied the Engineering & Design Process as they created a paper bridge that fit the challenge requirements. Students tested their creativity (and patience) as they tested several types of bridges to build the one that would hold the most weight. Students refined their research, collaboration, communication, and math skills while engaging in a fun competition. The winner, you ask? That would be 8A with multiple bridges holding over 6 kg of weight!

From Model T to Bugatti and bi-planes to space shuttles, the Engineering & Design Process has improved upon our everyday objects to allow us to have computers the size of our hand and electric-run air conditioners for August heat waves. 

Layers of the Earth

Using a simply delicious model, the 6th grade students begin exploring Earth's layers. 

During the lab and exploration 6th grade learned

It was decided that our totally sweet earth models tasted much better and were easier on our teeth than the actual Earth.  A definite bonus!