Chiba University Minor Program for Graduate Students
Social Innovation Program
ソーシャル・イノベーション・プログラムとは What you learn in the Social Innovation Program
そして,次世代社会Society 5.0 は,デジタル技術の革新とさらなる波及・浸透により,その活用が多領域において実践的に展開し,すべての人のウェルビーイングを下支えしていく社会となります。
In today's world, social issues such as economic inequality and environmental challenges are becoming widespread across various countries and regions. We are moving towards an uncertain future marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), where traditional values of economic growth, expansion, and efficiency are no longer effective. As a result, it is essential to move beyond conventional approaches and adopt innovative strategies to achieve breakthroughs and foster new creations.
In Society 5.0, the forthcoming era of advancement, digital technology will play a crucial role in enhancing people's well-being across various sectors.
The Social Innovation Program aims to cultivate the future global leaders with cutting-edge knowledge and a solid ethical foundation. The program encourages independent thinking and initiative, preparing participants to lead effectively across various sectors in the global community and make meaningful contributions.
特定学問分野の専門性に加え,学際的な幅広い知識を併せ持った発想を発信できる力 (学際性)
さまざまな知識・情報を連係させて社会課題の解決につなげることができる力 (連係力)
課題解決のために,デジタル・情報技術を応用することができる力 (データ力)
学んだ知識を社会実装するとともに,イノベーションに資する新たな価値を創造できる力 (実装力)
社会課題解決のために主体的に計画を実現できる力 (主体性)
The ability to communicate ideas that integrate specialized knowledge with broad transdisciplinary insights (Transdisciplinarity).
The capacity to connect diverse types of knowledge and information to address social issues (Connectivity).
The skill to utilize digital and information technology effectively in problem-solving (Digital skills).
The competence to apply acquired knowledge in real-world contexts to generate new value and drive innovation (Implementation skills).
The proactive approach to developing and executing plans aimed at addressing social challenges (Initiative).
Students who earn at least one credit in each of the five "Skills to Acquire" categories, for a total of at least 6 credits, will be awarded a minor degree.
You will receive an open badge (digital badge or e-badge) as proof of your achievement upon completion of the program. Gathering open badges has many benefits: not only do they help you keep track of the knowledge and skills you've acquired, but they also make it effortless to showcase your strengths by attaching badges to your email, CV, social media profiles, and more. With just a few clicks, you can display your achievements and highlight your expertise to potential employers and colleagues.