Teaching during a Pandemic

No assignments. No learning outcome. Just human connection.

"We have always known kids really enjoy the social interaction they have at school, and for some kids, this social connection fuels learning. But today’s health crisis has forced us to interact with students online exclusively, and we now realize that we might be doing this a bit longer than we had anticipated.

For many students, this new reality disrupts their routines and lives. It can be unsettling. They miss the human connection they have with you and their classmates. For this reason, teachers need to connect with students in ways that are less stressful and more fun. Fortunately, teachers can use online learning tools to add check-ins, keeping things light and allowing the class–even students with little access–to reconnect socially." Holly Clark

Press here for entire article. 10 Ways To Reconnect With Pupils During Remote Learning

Getting Ready to Teach Next Year

There’s a lot of uncertainty about the 2020–21 school year, but planning for a mix of remote and in-person instruction will help educators be ready.

Yet as school districts begin to plan the 2020–21 academic year, online learning will most likely play a prominent role in recovery efforts as many districts will shift to a system that combines online and in-person instruction

How will you make sure they want to come back tomorrow for remote learning?

"Remember... it will take 3 times longer than you think it will for students to do any task.

At first... focus on interacting with students and getting them used to the processes before you ask them to do content. Make sure they are comfortable with one process before going to the next one. This investment of time up front will pay off later!


I recommend you go out of your way the first week to ensure kids are feeling successful. Find those easy wins."

Alice Keeler

Click on the pictures to read

Setting the Stage for a School Year Online

Getting Ready to Teach Next Year

Teaching Digitally- A FREE Resource Guide for ANY K-12 teacher

Tutorials for Teachers