Technology Use in EI

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Using Video, Self-Reflection, and Coaching to Enhance Early Intervention

This video illustrates how an early intervention program in New Mexico uses video, self-reflection, coaching of practitioners, and coaching of coaches to support their practitioners to use a more routines-based and coaching approach to better support families. (FIT FOCUS Video Library, run time 15:09)

Using Video Technology to Enhance Coaching in Early Intervention

This video illustrates a pilot project in New Mexico in which early intervention practitioners video record their home visits, post the videos to a private video sharing and collaboration platform, and receive coaching on their application of new practices. (FIT FOCUS Video Library, run time 6:37)

Using Video to Enhance Family Support and Reflective Practice

One family and their FIT early intervention practitioner discuss the use of video to improve early intervention services and provide opportunities for self-reflection. (FIT FOCUS Video Library, run time 5:49)

Video Demonstration Project (Cohort 2) 

These videos are interviews with early intervention practitioners; early intervention coaches; project coaches; and administrators during the Video Project – as part of the Race To the Top – Early Learning Challenge – FOCUS Tiered Quality Rating & Improvement System. Larry Edelman has provided a key role in training and supporting teams in the use of video and the early intervention practices referred to. (FIT FOCUS Video Library, run times vary)

Holly, the administrator of three early intervention teams, describes the decision to use technology and illustrates the many ways that her program is using technology to expand services and better support families. (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 6:54)

Aimee, a developmental specialist, illustrates how she shares video that she recorded at a previous home visit with Amanda, Autumn’s mother for reflection and planning. Both Aimee and Amanda describe the benefits of watching and reflecting on the videos.  (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 4:20)

Lauren, a parent, and Ginger, her daughter’s speech-language pathologist, illustrate how Lauren shares video with Ginger via text messaging for “just-in-time” feedback and coaching. (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 4:30)

This video illustrates a number of ways that video and video conferencing are being used to enhance supports for families and team functioning.  (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 6:35)

Kate, a physical therapist, and Lori, a developmental specialist, illustrate how video conferencing is being used to help practitioners who work in different locations better collaborate to support families. (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 4:50)

This video illustrates how Jaime, a speech-language pathologist, makes a virtual home visit from her office to join Beth, her son Liam, and Peggy, a developmental specialist. (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 5:51)

This video illustrates how Kate, a physical therapist, makes a virtual home visit from her office to join Tammy, her son Straton, and Peggy, a developmental specialist. (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 18.24)

Jaime, a speech-language pathologist, and BJ, her supervisor, illustrate how they use video as a foundation for reflective supervision. BJ and Jaime review and reflect on a video that Jaime shared of a virtual home visit to better support Jaime’s coaching practices. (Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, run time 5:50)