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Claire Fieth's Second Christmas Break!

During the not long enough snow day vacation. I went outside with my family. I also went to basketball practices and games. Even though I was busy, I still had plenty of time for self care. I cleaned and did some laundry. I also worked on homework I was behind on. I got the chance to rest a ton during the break which was very necessary. I would say this break was very successful and productive!!

Gracie Harget

During our second christmas break, I did absolutely nothing. The whole time I was sick with the flu. I was rotting in my bed and felt like death. While I do love laying in my bed, I did get a little bored. I spent my time watching lots of tiktok and the new Percy Jackson series. My plan was to read, but I didn’t. I loved all the snow days, but I’m ready to get out of the house.

Cooper Jiron

I didn't do anything particularly important or interesting over these two weeks of snow days, but I did do many of the things I had any time to do.

When my brother was visiting from Albuquerque, New Mexico, we visited a comic store we frequent in Blue Springs.

 I found this really intriguing manga called Black Magic, by the same author who has written some science fiction that I love a lot. I picked it up and got the chance to read it over the days we were snowed in. 

I love it! It's about espionage, aliens, supercomputers, and magic. It’s been such a unique read so far and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys manga or science fiction.

Of course, I eventually started to go insane from not leaving the house for days and had to go out into the snow.

I decided to go sledding and it was just as much fun as when I did it as a little kid. Just looking down from the big hill and bombing down it as fast as I can. It is something that can't be replaced by anything else.

I was also able to write a song with all the extra time I had. It shaped up to be something that I really love playing and hope to do something more substantial than just playing in my room over and over again.

But even with all of the boring hours, I’m still very thankful for all the time to relax and decompress. I hope you were too!

Emma Jones

The snow day marathon allowed me lots of time to sleep in and watch TikTok. However, I spent most of my time eating ice cream in bed and watching some of my favorite podcasts. When it was finally safe enough to go out I ventured to TJ Maxx and purchased a beauty organizer to make my stuff look prim and proper. 

Kylee McElmurry

During my second Christmas break, I laid in my bed for most of the break. I also had a lot of wrestling to go to since I am a manager and we had some good tournaments and duels. I hung out with my friends because they were bored, so we went to the store and just had a lot of fun. I mostly watched Tiktok, played video games, and watched Youtube. It was just a lazy break overall, but it felt really nice. 

Striking Snow Day Art

Written by Emma Musgrave

What did YOU do on our six day snow break? Personally, I went on a photography rampage. Who knew that snowflakes actually look like the snowflake cutout we made in elementary school? 

I’ve always been quite the photographer. My photos may not be top tier quality, however, they do capture the moments that seem to slip by most. From sharp tiny snowflakes, to the cold fiery skies at twilight, our snow days were filled with glorious art. In case you missed it, here are a few samples of mother nature’s work. 

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