
Vision statement of the OCSU Equity Team:

To work collaboratively with parents, teachers, and administrators to create a school culture that promotes positive identity development for all students, respecting and celebrating the identities of others.

What it is:

a group of administrators, faculty, staff, families, board members, and students who are committed to preparing all students to:

1) develop authentic identities rooted in their personal histories and unique individual talents, skills and abilities

2) have the necessary skills and tools to live and work in our diverse state/nation/world in ways that enhance human dignity of themselves and others

3) be lifelong learners and critical thinkers informed and engaged citizens

By collaborating to:

  1. Support curriculum and pedagogical practices that promote justice and challenge bias

  2. Foster a learning environment in which stereotypes and bias are named, examined and challenged so that all community members are supported in developing their personal social identity

Want to learn more? Contact Mike Moriarty:

mmoriarty @ ocsu.org

802-525-1204 ext. 140