Virginia Readers' Choice (VRC) Reading Program

Please click inside the current year's VRC LiveBinder below to access an overview of the reading program, a list of current book nominees, and much more! Plus, check out past VRC LiveBinders for great book recommendations!

Reminder: After reading each book, please submit the VRC Student Form to be invited to our exclusive Pizza Voting Party at the end of the school year!

VRC 2022-23 LiveBinder

Click Binder to Access current nominee info

VRC 2021-22 LiveBinder

Click Binder to Access current nominee info

2021-22 VRC Middle School Winner!

Directions for VRC Student Form

  • Please complete the below student survey for the Virginia Readers' Choice book nominee that you read.

  • Each book requires a separate completed form.

  • In order to participate in the voting party, each student needs to read and submit 4 survey forms from the SAME category (Grades 6-8 Middle School Nominees).