Staff Leads

Ms Angelique Daniels

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”

 - Martin Luther King Jr. 

I am truly honoured to be one of the lead teacher-coordinators for Immaculata’s BSA. Growing up in a predominantly white community as a bi-racial woman forced me to grow up quickly and deal with issues that many of my peers would never be able to truly understand. Having been the target of racism throughout my life, without the proper support from my school community, is one of the main reasons why I decided to become an educator.

Having a diverse teaching staff is so important and it is my career goal to be able to connect with all my students and provide them with a safe environment to express themselves. I hope that through the BSA, students will be able to learn to find their voice and speak up for injustice, which is something that I struggled with at a young age. 

Immaculata’s BSA has had such an influential year and although we may be met with adversities, I know that together we can work towards a better future for all students from all different backgrounds

Mr Greg Lawson

“Black History is not just for Black People. Black History is Canadian History” 

- Jean Augustine

It is a great pleasure to be one of the teacher coordinators for Immaculata’s Black Student Association.Having gone to a rather large high school myself in a predominantly mono-cultural community I saw many classmates and myself go through and have to deal with issues of systemic racism and bias in education and our community. Helping students be a part of that change is what led me to this inspiring group of students and educators. 

Representation matters and having diversity in education and having teachers who reflect the experiences and diversity of the student population is such an important aspect of school. This is one of the reasons why I decided to become a teacher, and want to provide students with a safe space and community environment. Being able to learn to find their voice and give voice to those without the opportunity is something that I hope every student is able to benefit from through the BSA. 

When I first arrived at Immaculata and heard about the BSA from my students I knew that it was something I needed to be a part of and over the past few years I have been blown away by the determination, empathy, compassion, and enthusiasm that these students have brought to every one of the equity seeking initiatives they bring to the school and their fellow students .