FAQ Responses

ESL/ELD classes, Newcomer families and International Students

At St. Pius X High School, we are proud to be a hub for ESL and ELD programming. We welcome many newcomer families through the OCSB Family Welcome Centre and we also host many International Students at our school. We invite you to visit the Student Support Page for information about ESL/ELD programming, our Multicultural Liaison Officer and the International Student Program.

Individual Education Plan? IPRC? We are ready to help!

If you are currently at Frank Ryan Intermediate (our feeder school), your teachers will be in touch with the resource staff at St. Pius X to ensure a smooth transition in grade 9. Your teachers will also help to make special arrangements if they are needed.

If you are not coming from Frank Ryan, it is important that you let us know during the registration process that you learn with the benefit of an Individual Education Plan. It is helpful for you to provide a copy as well. This will ensure that we connect with you right from the start of the school year.

Our Resource teachers provide assistance and support to students at every grade level. It is also important that you ask questions, seek extra help when needed, and know that all of our staff is here to support you.

Please visit the Student Support section of this website for more information.

New Student Information/Questions (especially for our grade 9 students)

Please visit the main Home Page for information and a virtual tour of our school. There is a also special section for new students. Please visit the New Student Information Page for answers to many things you might be wondering about. We also invite you to visit our school website for additional information about St. Pius X HS.

OC Transpo provides bus service to St. Pius X students

We are very lucky to have OC Transpo provide bus service to St. Pius X students.

Students who qualify will receive a Presto Pass (there will be a session at the end of August for you to pick it up).

Many of our routes are specifically for St. Pius X students. While other members of the public can ride these buses, they are designated for Pius. It is important to plan out an alternate route just in case you miss a bus at the end of the day.

It is extremely important that you take good care of your Presto Pass. If it is lost, it can be difficult to replace. You will be asked to register your pass as soon as you receive it, and to keep it secure.

Some of the OC Transpo routes drop off and pick up along major roads, like Fisher Ave. It is extremely important that students are vigilant about their safety as traffic along the roads adjacent to the school can be quite busy.

Registration: How do I register/do I need to register?

If you are currently registered at Frank Ryan Intermediate, be sure to indicate to your teacher that you are coming to St. Pius X next year when they ask. You will also be completing your option sheet to choose your courses - make sure that you meet the deadline for this!

If you are not from one of our OCSB schools, please visit the Home page of this website and click the "Register Now" tile to get started with your registration.