Home-Learning Resources

As you may know, the Ministry of Education has created a website to support students and parents: https://www.ontario.ca/page/learn-at-home.


The OCSB has a student portal with excellent digital resources that your child can access for free. Go to http://olf.ocsb.ca/ and then click "Student Portal" tab at the top. helps bypass the various passwords required on the sites that they link. Your child may need their student email which is your child’s firstname.lastname@ocsbstudent.ca. Many of your children know their passwords by heart, but if not, send me a message on Remind and we can figure it out.

The School Board has created a website to support students and parents: https://www.ocsb.ca/ocsb-at-home/.


Additionally, this Google Site contains some at-home resource suggestions that you can choose from to create a learning environment that works for your household. This includes some printable materials, digital resources, screen free and hands-on activities. Again, these are just some suggestions; I know that time, comfort level, stress, parent work situations, other children, and access to technology/printers will be some of the factors that influence which resources (if any) you make use of. Learning will look different for each of you and your children. If your child wishes to explore a topic in depth or you wish to spend this time showing them different activities that interest you or them, go for it and don’t hesitate to share it with me! I miss the class very much and love seeing what they have been up to.

Click each underlined link to access resources for each content area:

Literacy Suggestions

Math Suggestions

Science, Art, & Other Suggestions

Bear in mind that it is not a realistic expectation to have your child sit and do desk work for the equivalent of the school day. Small bits. Take it easy this week. Have fun with it. Stay playful. But above all, stay safe and continue to practice social distancing.

Take care.