
 Most teams will be playing in a 32 team bracket with a guarantee of 3 games (2 sets to 18 STRAIGHT) .  Boys Doubles and Girls Doubles will be playing in a 48 team bracket divided into 2 pools of 24, with a guarantee of 3 games (2 sets to 18 STRAIGHT) . You will know the timings of your first game beforehand, but the follow up games will depend on whether you win or lose. Once you report your score to the appropriate scoretent, you will be informed of the time and location of your next game. Please be on time for your games or you could lose by default.  A reminder that there will be no access to the Potvin/Richcraft washrooms. 


All DOUBLES play will take place on courts C1-C18. Scores will be reported to the score table near the outhouses, next to the main tent. 

Boys Doubles: Courts 1- 8

Girls Doubles: Courts 9-16

Coed Doubles: Courts 17-22

Schedules will be posted here the week before the tournament. 


All FOURS play will take place on courts C19-C36. Scores will be reported to the score table under the tent near court 26. 

Boys Fours: Courts 23-28

Girls Fours: Courts 29-34

Coed Fours: Courts 35-40