Letter Writing

Some handy tips, tools and visuals to help you write your letter writing

Friendly letter


In order to type on the centre line, you will have to do this manually (which means by hand). Move the typed text by hitting 'TAB' at the first letter of the address. This will move your text 5 spaces at a time. Make sure the entirety of the address (Street/City/Date) is lined up evenly (in a straight line like the example).

When writing the body of your letter, the writing should be 'Left' justified. This symbol has the lines that are aligned on the left side. Typically this symbol can be found on the tool bar of a Google doc or Word doc. It is usually located to the right of the to the font buttons (B (bold) and I (Italics)). This is the most common justifcation for text and is usually automatic.

Remember to indent the beginning of each new paragraph. To indent on the computer, press the 'TAB' button. To indent when hand writing, leave a finger-width space at the beginning of each new paragraph. *If your TAB button does not work, simply press the space bar 5 times (that is equivalent to a 'TAB')

Persuasive Letter