Synchronous LearniNG

Synchronous Learning

(at school) Lessons

THursday and Friday Nov. 26th & 27th


Tuesday and wednesday Nov. 24th & 25th


GO down to SECTION #3. Forms of Government and complete work

Friday and Monday Nov. 20th and 23rd

GO down to SECTION #3. Forms of Government and complete work

  1. NOTES - FITB - 3 Levels of Government.
    Open the slide show and complete the notes

  2. Watch the clips if you have earbuds, If not, then with sound off and use subtitles. Otherwise watch at home

  3. NOTES Chart- Forms of Government
    Complete the Chart on Forms of Government.

  4. EVIDENCE- HOMEWORK - Start today
    Go to Evidence Column and complete the Task that is there.

    TASK: Types of Government Slide Presentation

  • Pick any country from the list.-
    - Read the instructions and then begin work on the Task.
    Create a heading for each slide topic
    You are not writing paragraphs!!!!- Point Form
    - at least one Pictures/images/Maps/ Charts on every slide!!! Maybe more.
    You are NOT WRITING PARAGRAPHS!!! Point form - Brief.
    Add slides as needed. The HISTORY aspect is important.
    What kind of governing existed in your country 1000 years ago, or maybe 200 years ago.... Where did the current form of government come from?
    War, invasion, hereditary???

Wednesday and Thursday Nov.18/19

  1. NOTES - FITB - Civics, Citizenship and Democracy Notes-
    - use the presentation in the Workspace to Complete the Fill in the Blank
    Handout given in class.

  2. Citizenship Test- Take the test go to workspaces and find the link and instructions.

  3. Leadership Test - Go to the workspace and take the test.

  4. Citizen Paragraph- Go to workspace- Find task in the evidence column.