Daily Tasks

Wednesday May 12th. 2021

My Google Meets will not work.
Check your emails...

1. 2.5 Text 2: Worksheet
- Complete the worksheet in Gdrive.
- Research the role of Governor General


Friday, May 7th, 2021
1. 2.3 Text 2: Worksheet
- New text PDF in your G drive
- Read text and use the Worksheet
2.2 Text 2 WS in your Gdrive

KAMI APP for yesterdays work

go to chrome store and add Kami to your Chrome browser


Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
1. Canada/Constitutiuon Act of 1982
- Video Clip in Workspace

2. Text 2: How Canadians Govern Themselves.
- New text PDF in your G drive
- Read text and use the Worksheet
2.2 Text 2 WS in your Gdrive
*** The Assignment question make up the bulk of your course mark. Many of you are using one sentence answers that explain nothing. I cannot give a mark for nothing. You cannot say
" It was important because there were problems that were solved"
... what problems..explain
.... what were the solutions? Explain how they solved things.


Tuesday, May 4th, 2021

Political Spectrum

  1. Political Compass - Web site.
    -Use the worksheet "Political Compass" from your G drive as you go.

  2. Text 2: How Canadians Govern Themselves.
    - New text PDF in your G drive
    - Read text and use the Worksheet 2.1 Text 2 WS in your Gdrive


Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Political Spectrum

  1. Political Spectrum Self Test.
    - Find worksheet in your Gdrive.

  2. Political Quiz 2021 - Take the test!!
    - What is your political Ideology

  • Take a screen shot of your results and paste to a Document in Gdrive.

WEDNESDAY, April 28th- Week 2 Day 8

Passing a Bill - How laws are made

  1. Work on News Headlines articles for each Level of Government.
    - Find one Headline for each level of government.

  2. Worksheet 1.5- Passing a Bill - In Gdrive.
    -A- Read the PDF text and answer the questions.
    -B- Assignment at end of worksheet.
    - Follow the link and look at the list of Proposed Bills that sit before the
    current Government. Find one of interest and give a brief description of all
    of its components- Reasons for it (need), Guts of it (what it says or will do), and
    any consequences proposed.

  3. ee


Tuesday April 27th- Week 2 Day 7
Levels of Government

  1. Interactive 360 tour of Parliament\

  2. 1.4.1 Text worksheet in your G drive. - Do it today

  3. Headlines Search- Levels of Government. Start it today
    Each day you will find 3 different articles- one for each level of Government.
    - So after a week (5 days) you will have 15 different articles
    Municipal- Anything to do with the city.
    Provincial- Anything to do with the Province.
    Federal- Anything to do with the Federal Gov.


Monday April 26th- Week 2 Day 6
Federal Government.
1. Complete Worksheet using PDF text in Hapara Drive.
File name -
1.3 Text WS is in your Gdrive

2. Slide Deck Activity- Types of Government
- Continue working on it
- Create a slide Deck that explores a countries type of Governance.


Friday April 23rd. Day 4
Types of Government.
1. Watch the second video clip in Section #2 of the Workspace.

2. Slide Deck Activity- Types of Government

- Create a slide Deck that explores a countries type of Governance.


Thursday April 24th., Day 3

  1. Read the news..

  2. Canada Citizenship Test.
    A- Change the Province to Ontario
    B- Change the number of Questions to 40
    - Choose practice now - do choose show the answers.

  3. Leadership Style test

  4. 1.2 Democracy Synonym Slide Worksheet
    Complete Democracy Synonym Slide Deck
    A- Find a definition for each word.
    B- For each word find an appropriate image
    (a picture is worth a thousand words)
    C- Explain why that picture is a good one…
    What does it mean?
    How does it represent the definition and meaning of the term?

  5. 1.3 TEXT worksheet - in Your GDrive.
    - Use the same PDF text that used on Monday in your Drive.