Happy Black History Month 2022

Mature language but the message is real and the advices are priceless. More suitable for

The Lasting Legacy of an Oppressive System

...I was struck less by their experiences, as heartrending as they were, than by how their experiences sculpted their self-perceptions. The best explanation of what I gleaned, what social scientists called internalized oppression, describes the psychological trauma that ensues when a person from a stigmatized group believes those negative stigmas.

White folk indoctrinated them into accepting their supposed inferiority. These narratives illustrate the success of this campaign of mental terrorism, and no word conveyed the depth of this internalized oppression more than “nigger.” Now, whenever I hear the epithet, a visual and emotional representation of the heinous process by which a people — my people — were induced to think they were less than trespasses into my thoughts. After years of habitual use of “nigger,” I banished it from my speech to honor the humanity that many never saw in themselves.

see more under Educational

Bruny Surin is a former track & field star from humble beginnings. He shares his story, challenges, success and wisdom. Follow your dreams. No, is not an acceptable answer. Hard work leads to success and the creation of a better version of yourself. Be a lifelong learner!

Our very own Stefan Keyes Best Journalist Award!

The Black Student Association is a new group here at St. Matthew Catholic High School. Our focus is to foster and promote harmonious race relations. The impact and consequences of our history have created systemic barriers which prevent people from fully participating in all parts of society. This is especially true for Black Ontarians of all backgrounds. Whether they are recent immigrants or descendants of people who were enslaved, Black Ontarians live a shared present-day experience of anti-Black racism.

  • We seek to tear down injustice within our school community.

  • We strive to create a safe and fair environment for all students.

  • We hope to create a community, where all students who identify as a person of colour, can feel accepted, respected and valued!
