Curriculum Links:

PowerSchool, Pearson Reading, & EnVision Math

To access PowerSchool:

  1. Go to the Oakland-Craig Public Schools website:
  2. Go to Student Links
  3. Click on PowerSchool (Student/Parent Login)
  4. Enter your or your child's login information based on what you are wanting to do.

To access Pearson Reading & EnVision Math courses:

(on your child's account to have them work on skills at home)

  1. Once you have logged your child in, find the blue book on the left hand side (Pearson Courses).
  2. This will shoot you out to a new window. On the right hand side of the page, click on the bottom link (Pearson Realize)--will have 3 colored dots.
  3. Once to Pearson Realize, choose math or reading from their programs.