Thank You's & Recognition

Thank you to everyone who came together to help make this new website happen! Shout-outs to Susan Green, Virginia Post, Kelly Rasmussen, Gina Rathjens, Eric Rutan, Amy Steckhahn, student Francisco Chino Torralba, and to Baja Fresh of Ocean for letting us work in your space. This website project is an example of a community collaboration that SEPTA strives for!

We welcome any suggestions for what else our members would like to see on this site. Reach me at

-Kim Struening, SEPTA 1st Vice President & Website Coordinator

Thank you to our local community businesses and organizations for their support during the 2020-2021 school year:
Asbury Wall Elks Club
Baja Fresh
Jersey Mike's
Oakhurst Pizza

Congratulations to the Winners of the 2020-2021 Levbarg & Ricciardi Awards!
Click here to learn more about these awards

Levbarg: Alisa Singer

Ricciardi: Nikki DelPizzo