Sora eBooks

Install the app

It's called Sora, by Overdrive.

Find it in your app store.

Go to their website

Google: Sora App

or click here

Select our school board

Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Our individual school will not be listed, just the board.

Sign in

Use your OCDSB email address & password.

Look up book titles

Or use the explore tool to find books by genre.

Young Adult Fiction might be a good place to start.

You can read a sample to see if you'll like it.

You can click "borrow" to check it out to read.

Add the Ottawa Public Library

This will let you search all their books in Sora too.

To check out their eBooks you'll need to use your library card. Public Library cards are free; get one here.

All the steps in one graphic: