
Are kitesurfing lessons essential?

I'm sometimes asked “Do I absolutely need lessons?” My answer, as both an instructor, and former kiteboarding student, is an absolute "YES! If you want the best and safest experience on the water." 

Lessons will equip you with the knowledge and practice to develop the right skills, habits, muscle memory (like kite control), as well as your ability to adapt to a variety of conditions, whether you're kitesurfing in Aylmer, Qc, or Cabarete, DR.  

Most of all, lessons will help you develop the essential safety skills to enjoy the sport, avoid crashing and ruining gear, and most importantly, stay, and keep others safe. Fact is, a kitesurfing kite can seriously hurt you, or a passerby, if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you lose control of your kite then someone as far as 50meters away can suddenly be injured.  

Which is why  "knowledge is power", as well as safety. Although kitesurfing has its perils, it only becomes dangerous without the right knowledge and information related to safety,  gear, weather conditions, and kiteboarding locations. 

As an experienced kiteboarder and instructor, I have, and will teach the essential knowledge all kiteboarders need to know to ensure fantastic and safe kite outings.  Starting with safety.  Once you understand how a kite works, how to fly it properly, and the safety systems available, much of the danger goes away. Have lessons to be in control. And have the best experience.

So yes, lessons are essential.  Learning with an experienced instructor will make your first days more enjoyable and get you up and riding far quicker.