
The project aspires to enhance understanding of mathematical and science concepts through activities around coding and robotics.

What are the goals?

  • Increased educator knowledge of how coding and computational thinking can connect to the secondary grade 9 mathematics and science curriculum.
  • Increased student engagement in mathematics through the use of coding to enhance curriculum.
  • Sharing of learning with educators at the school, board and provincial level.
  • Engagement of parents and guardians through learning about coding with their child.

This is a Teacher Learning and Leadership Program (TLLP) funded by the Ministry.

There are three overall goals of this program:

  • Create and support opportunities for teacher professional learning.
  • Foster teacher leadership.
  • Facilitate the sharing of exemplary practices with others for the broader benefit of Ontario students.

The team:

Jessica Barton - Earl of March Science Teacher @mmebarton

Patricia Clark - Earl of March Mathematics Department Head @PatriciamClark

Dianne Dreef - OCDSB Mathematics Instructional Coach @DianneDreef

Dubravka Lisak - Earl of March Mathematics Teacher @LisakDubravka

Jessica McGregor - Earl of March Science Teacher @mmemcgregor

Louise Vaillancourt - K-12 Technology Instructional Coach for the OCDSB @OttawaLouise

Math PD day presentation

Presentation to Earl of March Secondary School Parent Council November 26, 2018