
Mission Statement

The Colonel By Secondary School Library is committed to providing access to current information from print and electronic sources for students and teachers. The library staff members play an important role in supporting the curriculum and teaching information retrieval and evaluation skills. We provide a quiet, supportive environment for studying, researching and reading.

Collection Management 

Description - The collection offers information on diverse areas of knowledge and is intended for use by secondary school students and their teachers.

Purpose - The purpose of the collection development policy is to provide guidelines for building and maintaining the library's information resources to meet the information needs of the students and teachers.

Selection Responsibility - The teacher-librarian is responsible for building the collection. Teacher involvement is always appreciated. Students are also encouraged to recommend books that they feel would be enjoyed by other students.

Selections Criteria

Gifts and Donations

The Colonel By Library appreciates donations as they are a valuable source of our resources. The Library accepts all items that are within the scope of its collection, but reserves the right to discard items which are not needed. Each item is checked against our holdings and, when appropriate, is added to the collection. Donors are asked to transport the gifts to the library themselves since we have no way to pick them up. As a rule, no evaluation for tax purposes will be provided.

Removal of Resources

The book reviewing process will consider the following criteria:

Only the latest edition will be retained. The serial reviewing process will also consider alternative formats and indexing availability. The audio-visual material reviewing process will also consider format. The electronic resource reviewing process will also consider alternative sources (such as the public library) and compatibility with available hardware