Where Do I Start?
Where Do I Start?
Here are two important handouts and videos that will help you learn how to use AAC and inspire children to communicate.
This AAC site was created by Brenda Oleszko & Christine May, Speech Language Pathologists, Ottawa Carleton District School Board AAC Team
This AAC site was created by Brenda Oleszko & Christine May, Speech Language Pathologists, Ottawa Carleton District School Board AAC Team
'Shout outs' to Nancy Pereira and Kim Rycroft, BLT, who HELPED to make our site GO and got us through our UH OH moments.
'Shout outs' to Nancy Pereira and Kim Rycroft, BLT, who HELPED to make our site GO and got us through our UH OH moments.
All handouts and images on this site are for noncommercial use, including images from Clipart Library and Boardmaker. All images sourced from Tar Heel Reader website (CC). Please contact us if you have questions.