What's Cooking?

Have the ingredients hidden in a paper or cloth bag, so your child can use 'what' or 'look.'   

Create opportunities for your child to use ‘help’ with making a recipe together.

Encourage your child to tell you  ‘ready’ or ‘do more’ as you make the recipe

Stop while you are adding ingredients, cutting or stirring and encourage your child to signal  “more” or ‘stop’ 

While making something and at the end of the activity, talk about  whether you ‘like it’ or ‘don’t like’ , if it is ‘good’ or ‘not good. ’

 Making Banana Cookies

Teddy Toast

Making Homemade Ice Cream with Bananas!

Recipes from the Accessible Chef   

This wonderful website has many easy to make recipes with photo visuals.  Here are a few recipes taken from the site.  Please go to https://accessiblechef.com for many more ideas.

Simple recipes