Steps to undertake a Service as Action experience

How are you currently involved in SA and what can you do next?

2. Proposal

Decide a global/local critical issue you would like to take action on. You might use the following questions to reflect on the critical issue.

3. Investigation

Conduct an investigation to gain relevant knowledge about the critical issue.  Decide which of the methods below will work best to provide answers to the questions below





Interview experts

Conducting surveys

Collecting information online, in-person


Authentic observation of the issue, problem and/or community.

4. Planning tools and reference documents

You might use one of the planning templates below, or any other template you know

smart goals template 16.docx

SMART goals

OSCAR planning template


Business model canvas

Go trough this checklist before you start taking action on your Service Project

5. Recording evidence of your action

These are some examples about how to record your service action.


Journaling examples

Grade 10 (Self Initiated Service Activity ) AY 2021-22 Femprish - sanitary clothe pads

UNSDG - Reduced Inequalities : s part of their Service as Action, the student collected clothes and created clothe sanitary pads for underprivileged who do not have access to proper sanitation. 

Grade 10 (Self Initiated Service Activity ) AY 2021-22 Technology Council

UNSDG - Quality of Education : As part of their Service as Action, the student help the school community (students  and teachers) learn and utilise technology by creating video tutorials, fun events, etc.

Service As Action Club Video.mp4



Images with text

Grade 7 - Grade 7 String Pull toys (Curriculum Driven Service Learning) AY 2020-21 (Design Technology)

UNSDG  : Responsible consumption and production

6. Reflection reference documents

Use reflection to: (Source: MYP Projects Guide)

i. Evaluate the quality of the service as action against the proposal

ii. Reflect on how completing the project has extended your knowledge and understanding of service learning

iii. Reflect on your development of ATL skills and IB learner profile

Service Learning Reflection OIS 2017-18

Creative reflections examples

Service As Action Club Video.mp4

Use media

•  Create a video

• Create a bulletin board 

• Create a website 

• Create a slideshow presentation

Use art

• Act out a performance

 • Do a puppet show or similar 

• Create a painting, mural, cartoon

• Create and perform a musical display 

• Write a song and/or sing about the experience

Use words

• Write an article for the newsletter 

• Create a podcast 

• Write a short story/play 

• Write a poem 

• Write an essay about the issue • Take part in a debate and record it.