Self-Initiated Service As Action

Advik Katiyar

Technology Council 2021-22

About My Project

My general goal is to change people's perspective towards technology. More specifically, I aim to work towards enriching the Technology Council so as to help the school community (students + teachers) learn and utilise technology at its best! I also aim to provide fun-filled events developing the students holistically.

I will achieve this goal by leading the TechCo as the Vice-President for the second semester of this academic year (2021-22), thereby fully committing myself to the process which includes the following:

1. Multiple collaborative meetings (weekly + need-based) wherein ideas are generated for various events and programmes.

2. Usage of various different technological platforms for events, meetings, creation of tech-related posts and videos, websites and much more!!

3. Bringing together our secondary school, grades 6 - 12, closer for a better school experience for every student!!

4. Collaborating with other secondary clubs and curating/conducting the best school-wide events!!

5. Connecting both OIS campuses together via cross-campus events (virtual only).

6. Ensuring ease of transition for students and teachers from an online/hybrid learning setup to a physical learning setup.