Middle Year Program


MYP introduction statement

OIS - JVLR is one of two campuses presently providing an IB education in the PYP and MYP programmes with the DP programme set to start in the 2020 - 21 academic year. Guiding all teaching and learning at OIS is our philosophy statements.


At Oberoi International School we give our students the Freedom to think. Empower to be…


We are dedicated to fulfilling every child’s educational and developmental needs in a safe and caring environment conducive to learning and teaching. We aim to create responsible, global citizens who show understanding, compassion and acceptance of the differences in the world. We strive to ensure that every child in our care is empowered to make choices and encouraged to contribute to our community.



We value fostering a passion for lifelong learning by acquiring skills and content required for successful and critical thinkers.


We value the ideas that individuals have the ability to change the world and the group has the power to make this a reality.


We value treating others the way we ourselves like to be treated.


We value igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity in our students.


We value celebrating an accomplishment, be it big or small.

OIS Statement On International-mindedness

OIS defines international-mindedness as a way of viewing the world whereby people of all nationalities, cultures, religions and lifestyles are valued equally as individuals, and where our connections with and responsibilities to this rich global community are celebrated, practiced and considered important.

International-mindedness at OIS means demonstrating the flexibility and curiosity that enables us to appreciate not only our many differences, but also our common humanity. It means that we strive to overcome barriers and use our gained understanding to care for each other; to cooperate for the common good, both at OIS and in our community.

Introduction to MYP


The MYP journey for OIS - JVLR began in August, 2018 with the first cohort of students into Grades 6, 7 and 8 engaged in the IB MYP curriculum. “The MYP is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world”. The eight subject groups within the programme, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents, are:

  • Language acquisition
  • Language and literature
  • Individuals and societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Arts
  • Physical and health education
  • Design.

Find out more about the MYP.


August 2018 - 19: Grades 6, 7 & 8 (MYP implementation starts)

October 2018 - MYP Candidacy approved

March 2019 - Candidacy period begins

2019 - 20: Grades 6 - 9

April 2020 - Authorisation application due

2020 - 21: Grades 6 - 10

2020 - Verification visit

2021 - Authorised teaching begins (pending results of visit)