
Research Graphic Organizer

The way we put this research graphic organizer together is by looking at three or four articles and taking facts and notes from the articles. Then we did one big summary from all of the articles.

Kachi’na’s Exhibition Essay

“How We Express Ourselves” Unit



Chop,Chop” is the sound of trees and bamboo being cut down by loggers. sadly this is only one of many reasons why red pandas are going extinct. In Exhibition 2021 our transdisciplinary is “People take action and use their creativity to change the world.” My group decided to study and find ways to help red pandas. Some reasons are careless logging for wood, Poaching for their luscious fur, wildfires burning their habitats, pollution diluting everything they eat and climate change changing their environment.


The problem that the red pandas face is extinction, and that is why I would like to help them because Red pandas are endangered and they have decreased by 40% over the years. For example red pandas are often killed when they get caught in traps meant for other animals such as wild pigs and deer. Lastly they are also poached for their distinctive pelts in China and Myanmar. Red panda fur caps or hats have been found for sale in Bhutan and now today the adult population is probably around 10,000.


The main cause of the red panda extinction is that their forest homes are being cut down and poachers are hunting them for their fluffy fur and degrading their habitat. To get deeper into the essay here are some more reasons on what the cause is.Their primary threats are habitat loss and degradation, human interference and poaching. ... Herds of livestock can compete with red pandas for available bamboo leaves and degrade their habitat and their adorableness might put them in more danger, since they are ideal targets for the illegal pet trade.


Luckily the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) are trying to help and so is the Cleveland metropolitan zoo, Red Panda Network on the positive side, there are now worldwide efforts in place to save red pandas. Some habitat has been designated as protected areas. There are 20 such protected areas in India, 35 in China, 8 in Nepal, and 5 in Bhutan. The Red Panda Network hires local people to be forest guardians. These panda pals keep watch over the red pandas in Nepal, replant bamboo, and help paying tourists observe them without disturbing the creatures.


In conclusion, now that we both know more about red pandas and the problems they face and who are trying to help them, and now I hope by you reading this it will inspire you to find ways in your community to help not just red pandas but all animals big or small. So now my Exhibition group will be doing an action project.