Exhibition Overview

First we learned all about concerns in the world. In the beginning our teacher brought in articles about important events. Then we looked at news sources and found our own articles about things that were happening in the world that mattered to us. These were called "Action Articles" because we could take action on any of them. Finally we presented them to the class to share our concerns.

Together as a class we created our Exhibition Unit of Inquiry. First we created a central idea, then thought of the key concepts to guide us, after that we focused on the type of learner we wanted to be and finally our approaches to learning. Then we wrote down all the topics we cared about as a class and chose the 3 that were most important to us. Finally, our teacher chose the final groups from our choices. This unit design process helped us organize our Exhibition 2021 journey.

Here is what we designed:

Central Idea

People take action and use their creativity to change the world

What it means to our group: To us the central idea is a form of wisdom it lets know that we can make a change even tho we are kids and young adults

Key Concepts - And the Lines of Inquiry that We Investigated

Form: The problem of red panda endangerment?

Causation: What are the causes of red panda endangerment?

Change: What are people doing to fix the problem of endangerment?

The Learner Profile Terms

Inquirer: someone who asks questions or seeks to learn about something.

Knowledgeable: knowledgeable is when someone trys to learn and work really hard to learn more then one thing

Communicator: to be a communicator you have to be able to talk with out geting a attidue and find why if you get upset to clam down.

Open-minded: to be open mined you to listen to others and try to really understand what they are saying in the best way you can.

The Approaches to Learning During Exhibition

Thinking Skills: Comprehension; Evaluation

Communication Skills: Speaking; Listening

Research Skills: Collecting Data; Presenting Research Findings

Self-Management Skills: Time Management; Organization

Social Skills: Cooperating; Accepting Responsibility

Then we began the EXHIBITION JOURNEY!