Shout Outs

Banner images credit: Izyy Renee, Dean Machala

Thanks go to:

Tina Zwegat, whose enthusiasm for this series propelled it onto the stage,

Adrian Bautista in the Office of Student Life,

Kareem Khubchandani for sharing pedagogical innovations,

Ryan Sprowl for graphic design,

Mat and Pea-Jae at Concert Light and Sound for Zoom support

Funding for Disco DĂ©jeuner was provided by the Office of Student Activities; the Multicultural Resource Center; the Office of the Dean of Students; the Sociology Department's J. Milton Yinger Fund; Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies' Cozadd/Hoffman Fund; The Department of Dance; The Department of Anthropology, and a 2020-2021 Oberlin College Teaching Grant.